About Our Lab

Multidisciplinary nano and Microsystems (MnM) laboratory pursues research activities intersecting more than one traditional science and engineering discipline in nano and micro scale systems. Its research interests include nano/ microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) in radio frequency (RF) engineering, bio medical / microfluidic systems, optical and photonic applications, organic/ inorganic nano materials, and nano composites.


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
237C Benton Hall,
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611

Directions from Gainesville Regional AirportGoogle Map/Directions

  1. Turn right onto NE 39th Ave
    0.4 mi
  2. Turn left onto NE Waldo Rd
    2.6 mi
  3. Turn right onto E University Ave
    1.7 mi
  4. Turn left onto SW 13th St
    0.5 mi
  5. Turn right onto Museum Rd
    0.5 mi
  6. Turn right onto Reitz Union Drive
    0.1 mi
  7. Turn right into Reitz Union Parking Garage
  8. Follow walking map to Benton Hall

Driving Map

Walking Map